We are only taking new enrolments if you live in, Broadmeadows, Churton Park, Glenside, Greenacres, Grenada, Grenada North, Horokiwi, Johnsonville, Khandallah, Linden, Newlands, Ohariu, Paparangi, Redwood, Tawa, Takapu Valley, and Woodridge.
(subject to change, Please call ahead first)
If you wish to enrol with us, you can choose to:
Casual patients please bring your passport or a form of identification with you. If you are enrolling children, please provide a copy of their immunisations.
Please note that if you are not a New Zealand resident, you will need to provide evidence of your eligibility to receive government subsided funding. Please refer to the link Ministry of Health/Guide to eligibility if you are unsure of your eligibility for funding. Even if you are not eligible for funding you are still welcome to register with us.
Churton Park Medical Care is part of a Primary Health Organisation (PHO). Patients who enrol with us are entitled to reduced consultation fees as visits to your doctor are partially funded by the PHO. For more information about enrolling with a practice and PHO, please refer to:
on line Registration Form
If you want to sign up to Manage My Health for repeat prescriptions, appointments or results, please down- load the consent form and hand it in with your enrolment forms.
Churton Park Medical Care
Wellington 6037
Attn: Reception
Bank account details for payment:
01-0505-0767231-01 Churton Park Medical Care
Please reference your name and date of birth when making payments